Top Hereford Lots
C PRH Jolene 4231 ET 1/3/2024 by C Cuda Belle 2111 to GKB Cattle Co. Desdemona, Tx. $85,000.
C 8140 Lady 7057 Hawk 1262 ET 8/24/2022 by C 4212 Black Hawk 7057 ET ½ interest to GKB $62,500.
C 1311 Guardian Gal 4199 ET 2/01/2024 by C GKB Guardian 1015 ET to Bar One Ranch, Eugene, Or. $50,000.
C D83 Lady Arlo 4007 ET 01/03/2024 by C Arlo 2135 ET to Potter Ranch Herefords Wintun CA. $36,000
C 8140 0321 Endure 3200 ET 2/01/2023 by C 6474D Endure 0321 ET ½ interest to GKB, $20,000.
C D83 Belle 2342 11/02/2023 by C CJC Belle Heir ET to Potter, $20,000.
C 8019 Lady Genesis Gal 2329 9/26/2022 by Loewen Genesis G16 ET ½ interest to GKB $19,000.
C PRH 0226 Bella 4216 ET 01/06/2024 by C Cuda Belle 2111 to GKB $17,500.
C 0275 Pure Sherma 4235 ET 01/10/2024 by Churchill W4 Sherman 4235 ET to Potter Ranch $17,500.
C 79H Sherma 4207 ET 01/05/2024 by Churchill W4 Sherman 2157K ET to Express Ranch, Yukon, OK. $15,000.
Top Angus Lots
C Security Sal 2030 1-2-2022 by Stevenson Security ½ interest to Barber Ranch, Channing, Tx. $17,000.
C Resilient Rita 3002 ET 12/25/2022 by Sitz Resilient 10208 to Barber Ranch $11,500.
C Republic Lass 4029 1/11/2024 by Raven Republic 1564 to Barber Ranch. $10,500.